The 2 Fat Chefs
“United By Food”
Lunch Hours
Monday - Closed
Tuesday - 12:00pm To 1:30 PM (Carvery)
Wednesday - 12:00PM To 2:00PM (Bistro Meals)
Thursday - 12:00PM (Bistro Meals)
Friday - 12:00PM (Bistro Meals)
Saturday - 12:00PM (Bistro Meals)
Sunday - Closed
After hours - Cold Cabinet Food Available in sports bar
Dinner Hours
Monday - Closed
Tuesday - Fortnightly/Housie nights 5:00pm -8:00pm
Wednesday - 5:30PM To 8:300PM (Bistro Meals)
Thursday - 5:00PM To 8:00PM (Carvery) Snacks Available Until 9:00PM (BISTRO MEALS 5:30PM -9:00PM)
Friday - 5:00PM To 9:00PM (Bistro Meals)
Saturday - 5:00PM To 9:00PM (Bistro Meals)
Sunday - Closed
After hours - Cold Cabinet Food Available in sports bar
Catering & Contact
Due to demand we strongly recommend booking well in advance for any events or catering services.
Please Contact Gill Dowling for more info.
Phone: - (09) 299 8078 ex 3
Mobile - (021) 186 9624
Email - matt.jill@hotmail.com
Caterer may open Sunday for Lunch/Dinner Service if numbers 20 or more.
Caterer may close earlier than posted time if there are no customers, final call will be announced.

Gill and her Team are based here at the Papakura Club Restaurant.
The 2 Fat Chefs offer a great range of different menu items including, Gluten Free and Vegetarian options.
Come & have lunch or dinner with us, and taste for yourself